Monday, March 7, 2011

First post and all the thoughts I have leading up to my first day

Now I have read a numerous amount of blogs, watched you tube videos and am frequently reading HCG forums and I think that many blogs are too general in their description and only tell of the actual weight loss, the symptoms they may have but no one seems to have gotten to the meat of why are they doing this diet and the follow up.

I am doing the HCG diet because:

 #1 I saw my self in a 360 degree mirror in Chicago
#2 my sex life has bombed as I can't stand the thought of having sex with the lights on or my husband squishing my "squishy" parts while having sex.
 #3 An hour a day of cardio is not cutting it any more.
#4 I want to learn restriction with food, I want to learn proportion, I want to teach myself that enough is not 2lbs of pasta followed by brownies and popcorn. Basically control over what I eat.
#5 I don't want my doctor to look at me and put me in the category for cholesterol check
#6 I want good cholesterol
#7 I want to wear the other half of my wardrobe hanging out in my closet (if their in style)
#8 I don't want to rely on spanx to feel better in clothing.
#9 I don't want to rely on food to pull me out of sadness, boredom, stress, make a celebration complete or anger
#10 No more muffin top during this damn skinny jean fad.

Now I am sure many of you have many of the same items on your list regardless if your older, younger, male or female.
Now for some serious points. I worked in medicine for years and I have seen the effects of weight gain on the body. I rarely took care of healthy weight individuals in surgery. Weight is stress on the body and is a direct reflection of what is inside many times. I want to be in control and more importantly I KNOW that HCG is just a catalyst and the hard work is what comes after. Maintenance is always the hard part. I work out daily at least 45-60 minutes a day which is great maintenance but for losing weight it IS NOT cutting it and I really want to get to the point where I can just maintain a healthy weight.
For the first time in my life I am at my heaviest weight and not in normal BMI range and it makes me want to vomit (not in a bulimic way but a disgusted way,Ha!). SO this week I start my journey, a trusted physician I used to work with started a clinic in Texas and even though I live in Michigan she said she would work with me as long as I followed a Dr's care pre and post HCG diet.

In this blog I will keep a photo journal of my stats, loss, my struggles, my triumph and doing this thing as a wife, and mother of three.

Please e-mail me with questions or leave a comment, looking forward to the journey

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